It was so nice that my mom got to visit me here. I had planned to go to the Petergof for quite a while and luckily it was a nice, sunny and warm day so we could acquaint ourselves with the numerous trick fountains. Those gilded fountains are of course magnificent and a must-see, but the most enjoyable and fun moments we spent at the Oak, Parasol and Water-way trick fountains. Next to the Oak fountain there are wooden benches which you have to walk by if you don’t want to backtrack. Behind these benches, apparently randomly (although there is someone there pushing the buttons) water is sprayed on the passers-by. My mom went first and got away scotch-free, I went right after her and got a refreshing shower… Water-way was pretty awesome too. We only watched from the sides as we had heard it is a lot of water, but oh boy that chaos and the number of absolutely soaked people running around. Some people tried to shield themselves with umbrellas but it didn’t do them any good (see the video).
perjantai 14. elokuuta 2009
Oli hirmuisen kivaa kun äiti tuli käymään. Peterhofissa käyntiä olen suunnitellut jo pitemmän aikaa ja sinne päästiin onneksi käymään lämpimänä ja aurinkoisena päivänä joten jaksettiin tutustua lähemmin myös moninaisiin narautus-suihkulähteisiin (”trick fountains”). Ne kullatut suihkulähteet ovat totta kai suurellisen upeita ja pakko-nähtävyys, mutta parhaimmat ja hauskimmat hetket vietettiin Oak, Parasol ja Water-way suihkulähteitten äärellä. Oak suihkulähteen vierellä on puupenkkejä, joiden takaa näennäisen satunnaisesti suihkuaa vettä (joku siellä painelee käsittääkseni niitä nappeja) ja näiden penkkien vierestä on käveltävä jos ei halua perääntyä ja kiertää kauempaa. Äiti ehti kuivin nahoin alta pois, minä menin perässä ja sain virkistävän suihkun niskaani. Water-way oli aivan loistava. Me seurasimme sivusta, mutta voi sitä kaaoksen ja litimärkien ihmisten juoksentelua. Jotkut yrittivät varautua sateenvarjoilla mutta ne eivät kyllä mitään auttaneet (katso video).

It was so nice that my mom got to visit me here. I had planned to go to the Petergof for quite a while and luckily it was a nice, sunny and warm day so we could acquaint ourselves with the numerous trick fountains. Those gilded fountains are of course magnificent and a must-see, but the most enjoyable and fun moments we spent at the Oak, Parasol and Water-way trick fountains. Next to the Oak fountain there are wooden benches which you have to walk by if you don’t want to backtrack. Behind these benches, apparently randomly (although there is someone there pushing the buttons) water is sprayed on the passers-by. My mom went first and got away scotch-free, I went right after her and got a refreshing shower… Water-way was pretty awesome too. We only watched from the sides as we had heard it is a lot of water, but oh boy that chaos and the number of absolutely soaked people running around. Some people tried to shield themselves with umbrellas but it didn’t do them any good (see the video).
It was so nice that my mom got to visit me here. I had planned to go to the Petergof for quite a while and luckily it was a nice, sunny and warm day so we could acquaint ourselves with the numerous trick fountains. Those gilded fountains are of course magnificent and a must-see, but the most enjoyable and fun moments we spent at the Oak, Parasol and Water-way trick fountains. Next to the Oak fountain there are wooden benches which you have to walk by if you don’t want to backtrack. Behind these benches, apparently randomly (although there is someone there pushing the buttons) water is sprayed on the passers-by. My mom went first and got away scotch-free, I went right after her and got a refreshing shower… Water-way was pretty awesome too. We only watched from the sides as we had heard it is a lot of water, but oh boy that chaos and the number of absolutely soaked people running around. Some people tried to shield themselves with umbrellas but it didn’t do them any good (see the video).
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