Ykköskuvan katukyltissä tosiaankin lukee John Lennon- katu ja kakkoskuvan katolle (tuohon "syvennykseen") mentiin me olusille. Ja mulla on nyt kämppä, jossa ei tule asumaan muita yrmyakkoja paitsi minä, jee!
See the first pic - that says John Lennon St. See the second picture - that little roof was where we went for beers. It was a bit of an adventure. You had to go through a hallway to the inner yard, through this John Lennon- tunnel to second inner yard, then through another tunnel to a third inner yard, to the furthest iron door, up the stairs to 2nd floor and through a little bohemian cafe/bar to the terrace. If you don't know this place, there's no chance you could find it. We had live music as well, as the terrace was right next to a rehersal studio :)
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