On the weekend I managed to go to a short film – festival, host a small-scale ”house-warming” party, walk around aimlessly in the Hermitage, take pictures of bear cubs, and shop at a local handicrafts market. Pretty busy! The short film – festival was pretty good fun, but unfortunately I had to leave way too early to catch the last tube so I missed most of the films. I didn’t really get to enjoy the films anyway because the Russians like to dub ALL of their films (and they do it really badly – imagine a tired male voice doing the voiceovers for every character in the film… disregarding intonation, gender, age, excitement) and because I spent too much effort in enjoying the mulled wine and chocolate chip cookie buffet my group had brought along with itself. Otherwise it was pretty nice. We chilled, enjoyed the evening lights of the city and listened to a fairly interesting band (see You-tube link!).
maanantai 17. elokuuta 2009
Viikonloppuna ehdin käymään lyhytfilmi-festivaaleilla, pitämään pienimuotoiset ”tuparit”, maleksimaan Ermitaasissa, kuvaamassa karhunpoikasia, ja käsityöläismarkkinoilla ostamassa tuliaisia. Lyhytfilmifestivaalit olivat aika hauskat, mutta valitettavasti sieltä piti lähteä kovin aikaiseen että ehti ajoissa viimeiseen metroon joten jäivät viimeiset filmit näkemättä. Filmit menivät osittain ohi muutenkin, venäläisten dubbaus-innostuksen vuoksi (ja kaikenlisäksi se dubbaus on niin huonosti tehty – väsynyt miesääni vetää kaikki roolit välittämättä intonaatiosta, sukupuolesta, iästä, energiasta mitään) ja porukan hehkuviini ja suklaakeksi- kattauksia nauttiessa mutta muuten oli aika kivaa. Fiilisteltiin bändiä joka tuossa You-tube-linkissä löytyy ja joka oli vähintäänkin mielenkiintoinen ja ihailtiin kaupungin ilta-valaistusta.

On the weekend I managed to go to a short film – festival, host a small-scale ”house-warming” party, walk around aimlessly in the Hermitage, take pictures of bear cubs, and shop at a local handicrafts market. Pretty busy! The short film – festival was pretty good fun, but unfortunately I had to leave way too early to catch the last tube so I missed most of the films. I didn’t really get to enjoy the films anyway because the Russians like to dub ALL of their films (and they do it really badly – imagine a tired male voice doing the voiceovers for every character in the film… disregarding intonation, gender, age, excitement) and because I spent too much effort in enjoying the mulled wine and chocolate chip cookie buffet my group had brought along with itself. Otherwise it was pretty nice. We chilled, enjoyed the evening lights of the city and listened to a fairly interesting band (see You-tube link!).
On the weekend I managed to go to a short film – festival, host a small-scale ”house-warming” party, walk around aimlessly in the Hermitage, take pictures of bear cubs, and shop at a local handicrafts market. Pretty busy! The short film – festival was pretty good fun, but unfortunately I had to leave way too early to catch the last tube so I missed most of the films. I didn’t really get to enjoy the films anyway because the Russians like to dub ALL of their films (and they do it really badly – imagine a tired male voice doing the voiceovers for every character in the film… disregarding intonation, gender, age, excitement) and because I spent too much effort in enjoying the mulled wine and chocolate chip cookie buffet my group had brought along with itself. Otherwise it was pretty nice. We chilled, enjoyed the evening lights of the city and listened to a fairly interesting band (see You-tube link!).
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