Näitä pieniä patsaita on ripoteltu ympäri Pietaria ja niihin heitellään kolikoita onnen tuomiseksi. Ideana on saada kolikko jäämään tasanteelle, joka ei tietenkään ole kovin helppoa sillä se kimpoaa veks melkeinpä aina. Aika monta kopeekkaa mulla on näihin jo kulunut... Tämä varpuspatsanen (näkyy aika heikosti kuvassa) on kuvailtu myöskin omassa venäjän alkeiskirjassa. Pakkonähtävyys tällä reissulla!
It is a small world... Yesterday we went off for drinks with the girls and what do you know. My old school teacher from my college came and sat to the table next to us. We helped him and his wife to read the menu and had a pleasant little chit-chat.
These little statues are all over St Petersburg and the idea is that if you manage to throw a coin to its pedestal you will be lucky (in what way I dunno). Anyways, it is not as easy as it sounds as the coins tend to bounce off and I've managed to spend quite a few kopeks this way by now. This little birdie statue is featured also in my Russian language textbook so it was a must-see for me during this trip!
mita olin etsimassa, kiitos